Tag Archive for: art dealer

Exploring Religious Themes in Art A Guide for Potential Investors - fine art dealer gallery

Exploring Religious Themes in Art: A Guide for Potential Investors

Here at Victoria Fine Art, we often encounter clients who are particularly interested in the intersection of spirituality and art. Religious themes have been a cornerstone of artistic expression for centuries, offering both profound spiritual significance and substantial investment potential. Our latest blog article aims to educate and advise on investing in fine art with religious themes, highlighting prominent works and artists in this genre.

The Significance of Religious Themes in Art

Religious art serves as a visual narrative of spiritual stories, beliefs, and values. These artworks are about more than just aesthetic appeal, they offer much deeper connections to faith and history. Investing in such pieces of religious art not only diversifies a portfolio but also provides a tangible link to cultural and religious heritage.

In order to explain the significance of art and religion, it is interesting to note that one third of the paintings in London’s world-famous National Gallery’s collection of Western European art are of religious subjects. Also interestingly, nearly all of these are Christian. This prevalence of religious art reflects the fact that, following classical antiquity, Christianity became the predominant power that shaped European culture between the 13th and 19th centuries.

There were so many sources of inspiration; from biblical texts, commentaries, and apocryphal stories, all resulting in the creation of a wealth of objects of devotion. The images created by artists and represented in religious art often depicted visions or miracles performed by the saints, as well as other profound theological beliefs and debates and made to inspire and strengthen faith through public and private devotion.

Prominent Religious Themes in Christian Fine Art

The Renaissance era is renowned for its abundance of Christian art, with masters like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael at the forefront of this time period. Leonardo’s “The Last Supper” and Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam” on the Sistine Chapel ceiling are classic examples which explore the themes of sacrifice, redemption, and divine creation.

Artists like Caravaggio and Rembrandt brought dramatic realism to religious scenes in the Baroque Period. Painted in 1600, Caravaggio’s “The Calling of St Matthew” is oil on canvas and measures approximately 323 by 343 centimetres. Caravaggio’s use of chiaroscuro in conveys a powerful spiritual awakening and portrays a pivotal moment in Christian narrative. The artwork is prominently displayed in the church of San Luigi dei Francesi, which is located in Rome, Italy.

Rembrandt followed the path of his master Pieter Lastman to build a broad repertoire of biblical subjects. In addition to his dramatic and groundbreaking early “Supper at Emmaus” of about 1629, with Christ shown entirely in silhouette, and his theatrical “Raising of Lazarus” of 1630, Rembrandt also painted a “Passion of Christ” series between 1633–39.

Artists to Watch

While historical pieces by masters like da Vinci or Michelangelo are often housed in museums and private collections, there are numerous contemporary artists whose work continues to resonate with religious themes, for example:

Makoto Fujimura: Known for his abstract expressionist approach, Fujimura integrates traditional Japanese techniques with Christian themes, creating visually stunning and spiritually profound pieces.

Anish Kapoor: This British-Indian sculptor incorporates Hindu and Buddhist themes into his abstract works, making them appealing to collectors interested in religious art.

Alison Watt: Her ethereal paintings often explore themes of spirituality and transcendence, drawing subtle influences from Christian iconography.

Investing in Religious Art

Investing in religious art offers a unique blend of spiritual enrichment and financial potential. Whether you are a seasoned collector or a novice investor, the key is to buy original art that resonates personally and holds historical or cultural significance. By focusing on authenticity, condition, and provenance, you can build a valuable collection that stands the test of time. As a fine art dealer, I am here to guide you through this rewarding journey, helping you find the perfect pieces that speak to both your faith and investment goals.

Here at Victoria Fine Art, we advise on every aspect of sourcing, buying, selling and maintaining fine art, aiming to help you make the right choice and provide the scholarly background to each painting. We also advise on framing, hanging, insurance and all other aspects of collecting.

If you have any further questions about buying and investing in religious fine art, Victoria Fine Art can help. If you’d like to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form, telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

Exploring Symbolism in Fine Art

Exploring Symbolism in Fine Art

I have the privilege of guiding art enthusiasts through the intricate world of fine art on an almost daily basis here at Victoria Fine Art. Beyond the surface beauty of a painting often lies a rich tapestry of symbolism, inviting viewers to delve deeper into its layers of meaning and interpretation. In this article, we’ll explore the profound symbolism found in fine art, shedding light on the significance of various elements within renowned works.

Symbolism in Original Fine Art

For those seeking to buy original fine art, understanding symbolism can greatly enhance their appreciation and investment in artworks. Fine art for sale encompasses a diverse array of styles and themes, each offering a unique insight into the artist’s vision and the cultural context of their time.

One of the most iconic symbols in fine art is the use of flowers. From the vibrant blossoms of Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” to the delicate petals in Claude Monet’s “Water Lilies,” flowers have long been celebrated as symbols of beauty, transience, and the cycle of life. In the language of flowers, each bloom carries its own meaning, whether it be the passion of a red rose or the purity of a white lily. As collectors browse fine art paintings for sale online, they may find themselves drawn to works adorned with floral motifs, captivated by their timeless allure.

The Human Form

Another recurring motif in fine art is the human form, a symbol of both individual identity and universal experience. From the classical sculptures of ancient Greece to the expressive portraits of the Renaissance, artists have sought to capture the essence of humanity in all its complexity. Whether rendered in meticulous detail or abstracted into geometric forms, the human figure often serves as a mirror reflecting the hopes, fears, and aspirations of the human condition. As buyers explore fine art for sale websites, they may encounter a diverse array of interpretations of the human form, each offering a window into the artist’s perception of the world.

Symbolic Objects with Deep Significance

In addition to flora and fauna, fine art often incorporates symbolic objects that carry deeper significance. Consider, for example, the humble apple depicted in the works of artists such as Paul Cézanne and René Magritte. Beyond its literal representation, the apple serves as a potent symbol of temptation, knowledge, and the eternal struggle between innocence and experience. As collectors seek to buy original fine art paintings, they may be drawn to works that challenge their perceptions and invite contemplation of life’s mysteries.

No exploration of symbolism in fine art would be complete without mentioning the role of colour. From the vibrant hues of the Fauvists to the subtle tonalities of the Impressionists, colour serves as a powerful tool for conveying emotion, atmosphere, and narrative. Whether represented in bold strokes or delicate washes, colour has the ability to evoke a wide range of sensations, from joy and serenity to melancholy and introspection. As buyers peruse fine art for sale online, they may find themselves captivated by the expressive use of colour in works that speak to their hearts and souls.

Exploring Symbolism Embedded in Fine Art

As a fine art dealer, my mission is not only to facilitate the purchase of artwork but also to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the creative process. By exploring the symbolism embedded within fine art, collectors can unlock new dimensions of meaning and forge a more profound connection with the works they acquire. Whether seeking to buy fine art online or browsing through galleries in person, I encourage collectors to approach each artwork with an open mind and a willingness to explore the rich tapestry of symbols that lies beneath the surface.

If you have any further questions regarding the wide selection of original fine art to buy online at Victoria Fine Art or wish to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form, telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

How to Buy and Invest Wisely When Collecting Fine Art

The Collector’s Guide Part 9: How to Buy and Invest Wisely When Collecting Fine Art

In the latest article of our collector’s guide series, we’ll be delving into the nuances of purchasing and investing wisely in fine art. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a newcomer to the art scene, these insights will serve as a compass to navigate the vast realm of artistic treasures.

Fine art is not just a possession; it’s an investment in culture, history, and creativity. Each stroke of a brush, every sculpted form, and every unique piece holds an intrinsic value. When you start on your journey of acquiring fine art, consider it as not only something to enjoy visually, but also as a tangible piece of expression that has the potential to appreciate in value over the years.

Where to Begin: Fine Art Dealer and Beyond

Engaging with a reputable fine art dealer is an excellent starting point for any collector. An experienced art dealer serves as a guide, offering insights into the art market and the current trends. In London, a city steeped in artistic history, the opportunities to find a knowledgeable fine art dealer are abundant. Seek out professionals with a passion for art, a keen eye for quality, and a commitment to transparency.

Buy Original Fine Art

While renowned artists and iconic pieces may tempt you, don’t overlook the allure of emerging talents. Investing in original fine art by promising artists can be a rewarding experience. Keep an open mind and explore diverse styles and mediums; you might stumble upon hidden gems that will become prized possessions in the future.

In this digital age, the internet has revolutionised the way we buy and sell fine art. Numerous platforms offer a vast array of fine art for sale online, making art accessible to a global audience. As you explore these online avenues, exercise caution and choose reputable websites that ensure the authenticity of the artwork. Read reviews, verify the seller’s credentials, and opt for platforms that prioritise secure transactions.

Research and Due Diligence

Before making any purchase, invest time in research. Familiarise yourself with the artist, their body of work, and the current market trends. Attend gallery exhibitions, art fairs, and auctions to gain firsthand experience and insights. A well-informed collector is better equipped to make sound decisions and discern the true value of a piece.

It can also be gratifying to establish a personal connection with artists. Attend artist talks, workshops, and studio visits to gain a deeper understanding of their creative process. Building relationships not only enhances the meaning behind your collection but may also provide opportunities for exclusive acquisitions and collaborations.

Once you’ve acquired a piece, safeguard its value by investing in proper preservation. Consult with professionals on framing, climate control, and handling guidelines. Keep detailed records of your collection, including certificates of authenticity, provenance, and any relevant documentation. These details not only add to the legacy of the artwork but also contribute to its market value over time.

Stay Informed: Fine Art for Sale Websites

To stay ahead in the dynamic art market, stay informed about the latest offerings through fine art for sale websites. Regularly browse reputable platforms to discover new artists, upcoming trends, and potential acquisitions. Many websites also provide valuable resources such as market reports, artist interviews, and expert analyses that can deepen your understanding of the art world.

While it’s tempting to get carried away by the allure of fine art, it’s crucial to set a realistic budget. Online platforms often offer a diverse range of pieces catering to various price points. Determine your budget before diving into the world of online fine art purchases, and don’t be swayed by the excitement of the moment. A well-planned budget ensures a balanced and sustainable collection.

Art as an Investment

While the primary motivation for collecting fine art may be personal enjoyment, it’s wise to consider the investment potential of your acquisitions. Consult with financial advisors and art market experts to understand the long-term value of your collection. Art has historically proven to be a resilient and appreciating asset class, making it a strategic component of a diversified investment portfolio.

If you have any further questions about buying and investing in fine art, Victoria Fine Art can help. If you’d like to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form, telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

Trends and Opportunities for Buyers in the Art Market Landscape

The Collectors Guide Part 7: Trends and Opportunities for Buyers in the Art Market Landscape

As a seasoned fine art dealer based in London, I find immense pleasure in guiding both potential and existing clients through the intricate world of art acquisition. In the latest installation of our collectors guide series of article, my aim is to shed light on the ever-evolving landscape of the art market, emphasise the trends and opportunities that prevail, particularly when it comes to buying paintings and fine art.

The Rise of Online Art Purchases

As we regularly comment on in this blog, one of the most prominent shifts in recent years has been the surge in online art buying. The advent of digital platforms has opened up a world of opportunities for collectors, making it easier than ever to purchase fine art with just a few clicks. This trend has been accelerated by various factors, including the convenience of browsing through countless options without leaving your home, access to a broader range of artists and genres, and the ability to compare prices and styles effortlessly.

Navigating the Digital Art Marketplace

If you’re looking to buy paintings online, it’s crucial to approach this digital landscape with care and diligence. As a fine art dealer, Victoria Fine Art always advise our clients to begin their online art journey by researching reputable websites and platforms dedicated to fine art sales for their high-quality offerings and transparent transactions.

When you’re on these platforms, don’t hesitate to explore the vast array of fine art for sale. Whether you’re interested in contemporary art, impressionist paintings, or classic pieces, there’s something for everyone. The variety of options available online is staggering, and you’re sure to find art to buy that resonates with your personal tastes.

The Allure of Original Artwork

While digital reproductions and prints have their place in the art world, there’s an undeniable allure to owning original fine art paintings. The authenticity and unique character of an original piece create a connection between the artwork and its owner that cannot be replicated by a reproduction.

Original fine art for sale online presents an opportunity for collectors to own a piece of history or an exclusive creation by a contemporary artist. It’s an investment in the artist’s vision and talent, and it often appreciates in value over time, making it not only a source of aesthetic pleasure but also a wise financial choice.

Transparency and Authenticity

In today’s digital age, authenticity and transparency have become paramount concerns for art buyers. It’s essential to buy from reputable sources that provide clear information about the artwork’s provenance, condition, and authenticity. Reputable online platforms often collaborate with experts to authenticate artworks and provide detailed descriptions and documentation.

The Power of Expert Guidance

While buying fine art online offers convenience and accessibility, it’s also important to remember the value of expert guidance. As a fine art dealer, my role extends beyond simply facilitating transactions. I work closely with my clients to understand their tastes, preferences, and investment goals. By collaborating with a knowledgeable art dealer, buyers can access a curated selection of artworks tailored to their interests. Moreover, art dealers often have insider knowledge of upcoming trends, artists on the rise, and opportunities for acquiring sought-after pieces.

Art as an Investment

The art market has long been recognised as a viable investment opportunity, and this trend continues to grow. While the primary motivation for buying art should always be a genuine passion for the artwork, it’s worth noting that many collectors have seen significant returns on their investments over time.

In the world of finance, art is considered an alternative asset class, and its value can be relatively uncorrelated with traditional financial markets. This means that investing in fine art can add diversification to your investment portfolio, potentially reducing risk. However, it’s important to approach art investment with a long-term perspective and consult with financial advisors who specialise in this area.

Participating in the Art World

In addition to purchasing art, there are numerous opportunities for buyers to become more engaged in the art world. Attend art fairs, gallery openings, and auctions to immerse yourself in the art community. Engaging with artists, collectors, and experts can enhance your understanding of the art market and help you make informed choices.

Why not also consider joining art associations or clubs that align with your interests? These forums provide networking opportunities, access to exclusive events, and a chance to deepen your appreciation for art.

If you have any further questions regarding the wide selection of modern British art to buy online at Victoria Fine Art or wish to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form, telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

The Collectors Guide Part 6 How to Buy Artwork with Confidence - fine art dealers website

The Collectors Guide Part 6: How to Buy Artwork with Confidence

As a fine art dealer with years of experience in the industry, I understand that buying artwork can be an intimidating process, especially for those new to the world of fine art. However, with the right guidance and a few essential tips, you can navigate the art market with confidence and discover pieces that resonate with your taste and style. In this article, I’ll share some valuable insights on how to buy fine art online and from galleries, ensuring that your art-buying journey is a rewarding and satisfying one.

Research and Educate Yourself

Before embarking on your art-buying adventure, it’s crucial to invest time in researching and educating yourself about different artists, art movements, and styles. Take advantage of online resources, visit museums and galleries, and read books and articles related to fine art. Familiarise yourself with the terminology used in the art world so that you can better understand and appreciate the pieces you encounter.

Define Your Taste and Preferences

Art is a deeply personal experience, and your choices should reflect your individual taste and preferences. Explore various styles, mediums, and themes to determine what resonates with you the most. Do you prefer modern British fine art, Victorian art, or impressionist paintings? Understanding your preferences will help you narrow down your options and make more informed choices.

Set a Budget

Fine art can range in price from affordable prints to multi-million-dollar masterpieces. It’s crucial to establish a budget that aligns with your financial capabilities and commitment to collecting. Be realistic about what you can afford and remember that there is art available at every price point. Setting a budget will help you avoid overspending and ensure a more enjoyable buying experience.

Buy from Reputable Sources

Whether you’re looking for fine art for sale online or in galleries, it’s essential to buy from reputable sources. Established galleries, well-known auction houses, and respected online platforms are typically reliable places to find authentic artwork. Be cautious of purchasing from unknown or unverified sources, as this can increase the risk of encountering forgeries or misrepresented pieces.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you’re uncertain about your choices or the authenticity of a piece, don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance from an art dealer or expert. A fine art dealer can provide valuable insights, authenticate artwork, and assist you in making informed decisions. Their expertise can be particularly beneficial when purchasing high-value or rare pieces.

Inspect and Ask Questions

When you find a piece that captivates you, take the time to inspect it thoroughly. Look for any signs of damage or restoration, and ask the seller or gallery staff any questions you may have. Understanding the history and condition of the artwork will help you make an educated decision. Additionally, inquire about the artist’s background and the provenance of the piece (its ownership history), as this information can add value and legitimacy to the artwork.

Consider the Investment Potential

While purchasing art primarily for personal enjoyment is admirable, it’s worth considering the investment potential of the pieces you buy. Some artworks appreciate in value over time, making them valuable assets. Research the market trends for the artist or style you’re interested in and evaluate whether the artwork you’re considering has investment potential. However, remember that art should be enjoyed first and foremost, and not all pieces will necessarily increase in value.

Trust Your Instincts

Ultimately, buying art is a deeply personal decision. Trust your instincts and intuition when making your choices. If a piece resonates with you on an emotional level and you can envision it in your space, it’s likely a good fit for your collection. Don’t be swayed solely by market trends or the opinions of others; your connection with the artwork is what truly matters.

Buying fine art should be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. By conducting research, defining your preferences, setting a budget, and seeking professional guidance when necessary, you can confidently navigate the world of fine art. Remember that art is a personal journey, and the pieces you choose to buy should bring joy and inspiration to your life. Whether you’re purchasing fine art online or exploring galleries, these tips will help you buy artwork with confidence and build a collection that reflects your unique taste and style.

buy marine art online fine art dealers

The Collectors Guide Part 4: What to Look for When Buying Marine Art

The next instalment in our collector’s guide series of articles is a comprehensive summary of what to look for when you’re thinking about purchasing marine art. As an art dealer who regularly sells marine fine art online, Victoria Fine Art is extremely well rehearsed in helping clients and collectors make decisions when buying marine art. 

As a genre, marine art captures both the grandeur and the beauty of the sea and has long captivated art enthusiasts and collectors. From dramatic naval battles to serene seascapes, marine art offers a window into the world of maritime history and the natural splendour of the sea. If you’re considering buying marine fine art, whether online or from a gallery, there are several key factors to keep in mind to ensure a satisfying and worthwhile purchase.

The Beauty & Diversity of Marine Art

The beauty and diversity of marine art make it a popular choice among art enthusiasts and collectors worldwide. When looking to buy marine art, one can always consider buying fine art online. There are many online platforms that offer a vast selection of marine art from different artists and galleries, providing a convenient and accessible way to explore and purchase artwork.

However, buying art online requires careful consideration and research. Look for reputable online art marketplaces such as Victoria Fine Art that provide detailed information about the artwork, including its condition, artist background, and provenance.

Checking Authenticity when Buying Marine Fine Art

Authenticity is a vital consideration when you buy marine art. One must ensure that the artwork comes with proper documentation, such as a certificate of authenticity or provenance records, in order to verify its origin and legitimacy. Reputable galleries and online platforms will often provide this information to guarantee the authenticity of the artwork. If possible, enquire about the artwork’s exhibition history or previous ownership, as this can add value and historical significance to the piece.

Quality Marine Art

The quality of the artwork is another crucial factor to assess when buying marine art. It’s important to fully examine the composition, technique, and overall craftsmanship of the piece. A well-executed marine artwork should demonstrate a strong command of colour, light, and perspective, immersing the viewer in the world of the sea. Our advice would be to look for pieces that exhibit attention to detail, whether in the delicate brushstrokes that capture the motion of the waves or the intricate rigging of a sailing vessel. Investing in high-quality marine art ensures that you’ll have a visually striking and enduring piece that can be enjoyed for years to come.

Another important aspect to consider when looking to buy marine art, whether online or from a physical gallery, is the artist’s reputation and style. Research the artist’s background, their expertise in marine art, and their artistic style. Some artists specialise in capturing the intricate details of ships, while others excel in depicting the ethereal beauty of seascapes. Take the time to explore different artists and find those whose work resonates with your personal taste and preferences.

Buy Marine Fine Art Online

Buying marine art can be a rewarding and enriching experience. Whether you choose to buy marine art online or from a physical gallery, consider factors such as the artist’s reputation, the artwork’s quality, authenticity, and provenance, and your budget. By keeping these factors in mind and conducting thorough research, you’ll be better equipped to make an informed and satisfying purchase.

As an art dealer who sells fine art online, it’s always at the forefront of my mind that current and potential clients keep a close eye on the Victoria Fine Art website when buying Marine art online. We have a comprehensive category on the website devoted to Marine art, which includes a variety of paintings with subjects ranging from harbour scenes, fishing boats, beaches, ships, and ports.

If you have any further questions regarding the wide selection of Marine fine art to buy online at Victoria Fine Art or wish to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form, telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.


buy oversized art online fine art dealers

The Attraction of Oversized Art

Oversized art has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to create a powerful visual impact. Inevitably this popularity has resulted in more and more people opting to buy large framed wall art and large canvas art to decorate their homes, offices, and recreational spaces. As fine art dealers and specialists in oversized paintings and large framed wall art, we discuss the reasons behind the growing trend of oversized art and the best places to buy it.

Powerful Visual Impact

Oversized paintings undoubtedly create a powerful visual impact in any space. Large-scale artworks immediately draw the eye and add not only drama but also depth to a room, creating the feeling of a grand and impressive space. Oversized art can also be used to make a bold statement or add personality to a room, providing an unmissable focal point that is used to tie the room together. Oversized paintings often challenge perceptions of space and size, create a statement without clutter, and add impact without the buyer having to scour galleries or the internet for numerous pieces.

A Sense of Scale

Another important attraction of oversized art is the power it has to create a sense of scale and organisation in a space. For example, an oversized painting can make a large room feel more intimate, while a piece of large canvas art can make a small room feel much larger. Oversized art can also help to break up a space and create different zones to make it feel more functional and organised; an effective technique frequently used by interior designers when working with large, multifunctional spaces.

Buy Oversized Paintings

When buying oversized art, Victoria Fine Art can offer a number of options. One of the most popular options is to buy oversized paintings from an art gallery like ours, where we typically offer a wide range of oversized art and can provide expert advice on selecting pieces that would best suit a space. It’s also possible to buy oversized art online which can be very convenient and allow browsing from a distance. Regardless of where one chooses to buy oversized art, it is important to do some research and ensure the quality and authenticity of the piece before making a purchase.

Here at Victoria Fine Art, we have a modest of selection of oversized art and oversized paintings to buy online. If you have any further questions regarding the wide selection of fine art to buy online at Victoria Fine Art or wish to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form, telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

where to buy fine art online for sale

The Best Places to Buy Original Fine Art

If you want to buy original fine art and potentially start to build up a collection, you may have plenty of questions about how to go about it. As a fine art dealer, Victoria Fine Art obviously offers a range of fine art paintings for sale online and have plenty of experience advising our clients on how to buy it. So, where are the best places to buy original fine art?

Buy Original Fine Art at Online Exhibitions

Online exhibitions showcasing a range of original art for sale are a great place to start when it comes to buying original art. From the comfort of your home, you’ll be able to get a valuable insight into a range of paintings from a variety of eras, themes, and geographical regions. In addition, you’ll have the luxury of exploring a range of artists both famous, less-well known, or even forgotten over time. Some people prefer the freedom of browsing paintings to buy online as there’s less pressure and far more privacy.

Visit a Reputable Gallery

Another great way to buy original fine art is to visit a long-standing, reputable gallery and see the pieces for yourself in the flesh. Our gallery was established back in 1965 by its proprietor David Roberts and is now one of the most established and long-standing galleries in England. If you are based in the south of England (and even if you’re not!), we fully recommend a visit to our gallery in the heart of beautiful St. Albans, where we have helped to form many collections of original fine art for both clients and designers.

Bringing Art to You

Here at Victoria Fine Art, we fully appreciate that original fine art can look very different in your home rather than in a gallery. That’s why we offer the service of bringing pieces to our clients’ home so that they are able to view the piece in situ. It’s a fact that in today’s fast paced society time is a premium, therefore this may be the perfect option for buying original fine art.

Why Choose Original Fine Art?

As a fine art dealer, I’d be lying if I said I’d not heard this question more than once. Despite the general public knowing exactly what, let’s say, Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ looks like from images in books, television programmes, or posters, when it’s on show in an exhibition, people flock to see it. In simple terms, the power of original fine art often supersedes the image. When a piece is viewed in the flesh there are obviously a variety of aspects that it is impossible to appreciate when replicated. You can see the exact marks on the surface of the image, the texture, and where particular elements have been purposefully emphasised for effect. Therefore, when viewing a piece of original fine art, you will see more the more times you view it. Each time you will notice a subtle detail that you’d not appreciated fully before or notice something slightly different.

Buy Fine Art Online at Victoria Fine Art

 Here at Victoria Fine Art, we have regular exhibitions so that our clients are able to get a fascinating glimpse into just some of the wonderful paintings that we hold. If you have any further questions regarding the wide selection of fine art to buy online at Victoria Fine Art or wish to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form, telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

fine art dealer painting restoration

Advice from a Fine Art Dealer on Painting Restoration

Here at Victoria Fine Art, we are experts in painting restoration and picture frame restoration. With over 30 years of experience working on everything from sixteenth century panels and old masters, right through to modern British paintings, our painting restoration services are both sympathetic to the piece of art in question, and of exceptionally high standards of quality.

As a fine art dealer, in addition to helping people build collections, I also spend time helping people to restore pieces of artwork that perhaps have suffered the ravages of time. We have some of the finest restorers in the country able to undertake all works.

Why Would you Need Painting Restoration?

There are many reasons why one may require a painting restoration service. Antique, contemporary, and modern paintings may all need some sort of conservation treatment during their lives. Some paintings may become torn or ripped during a careless move, may be damaged by fire, smoke, water or moisture, or even develop mould. In other cases, paintings may have been poorly restored in the past and work is needed to restore them to their original state. Cracking and flaking of paint are also common problems for aged paintings, but can be resolved by consolidating the paint layer, reapplying loose pigments, and then restoring the missing areas to ensure stability in the future.

Before we begin the process of painting restoration, we always evaluate the project thoroughly due to the various different approaches that can be utilised, and the complexity needed for each individual piece. Details of the piece are required including artist, size, subject, and condition. From there we also need a selection of images of the of the painting or frame in order to give an approximate idea of cost and timescale. Although this will not be an exact quotation because it’s hard to predict until the image has been assessed by the restorer and paintings will sometimes throw up unforeseen problems, the estimate will generally fall between two parameters and act as a guide.

Conservation & Restoration of Fine Art

Here at Victoria Fine Art, it’s really important to us to ensure that every painting restoration we embark upon does not alter the artistic or historical integrity of the piece. Even if your painting doesn’t need restoration, preventative treatments will ensure your artwork will look it’s best for decades to come. We also offer a full restoration service for oil paintings and antique frames, which may include relining paintings, and can offer all types of gilding from a standard gold finish to full gold leaf.

Painting Restoration & Fine Art Restoration

If you have any further questions regarding painting restoration, fine art restoration, or picture frame restoration services that we offer at Victoria Fine Art, or wish to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form, telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

buy modern british art online art dealer-uk

The Importance of Supporting Modern British Art & Artists

Here at Victoria Fine Art, it’s always been a passion of ours to support modern British artists and make it easy for our customers to buy modern British art online. Of course, we are absolutely dedicated to traditional art too, but as fine art dealers we also represent British artists of international standing and promote contemporary art from emerging artists.

The truth is that tastes in modern British art are extremely diverse and arguably ever changing, which is why we have taken it upon ourselves to actively promote and support British modern art and artists with a wide range of media, visual representation, and sculpture. In the last ten years, in fact, we have worked very closely with some of the finest living artists holding regular exhibitions at Victoria Fine Art on their behalf.

The Vibrant Modern British Art Market

In my opinion, the Modern British art sector is one of the most vibrant in the market and very important for both collectors and dealers. As previously mentioned, I am extremely passionate about a variety of fine art including European art, Victorian art, and Impressionist art for example, but there’s no doubt that there is something incredibly exciting about appreciating newly emerging artists and having the chance to support and bolster their careers.

Modern British art is also a sector that has hugely benefited from changing tastes over recent decades, making it even more diverse and exciting. Since the early 1990’s, the popularity of modern British art has grown immeasurably with an expanding collector base and lively dealer activity. Throw in the introduction of the world wide web and you have a whole host of budding collectors hoping to buy modern British paintings online, helping to replace sometimes declining revenues from more traditional items.

British Modern Art and Geographical Diversity

Very fortunately for the market as a whole, a plentiful supply of brand-new British art becomes available each and every year and is commonly very diverse across a variety of geographical regions. Unlike Impressionist art, Victorian art or European art, many works are now appearing on the secondary market and can be bought easily online, often with only one careful owner.

As fine art dealers, Victoria Fine Art recognises that today’s art is both wide and varied. Modern British art is so exciting because tastes are constantly changing, and with the internet, it’s never been easier to buy modern British paintings online.  It is also really important to embrace this this fluid landscape and, by engaging with today’s artists, we can also engage with collectors and art lovers alike.

Discover Modern British Artists & Artists

Why not take a look at the selection of Modern British art to buy online at Victoria Fine Art? Alternatively, if you or wish to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form (https://victoria-fine-art.com/contact/), telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.