5 Notable Modern British Artists - fine art dealer gallery

5 Notable Modern British Artists

With years of experience in the art market behind us, Victoria Fine Art often get asked for recommendations on artists worth investing in. Modern British art is famous all over the world for its talent and innovation, making it an exciting area for collectors to explore. If you’re looking to purchase fine art that not only enriches your collection but also has the potential to appreciate in value, here are five notable modern British artists for you to find out more about. Their works represent a unique blend of tradition and modernity, offering both aesthetic pleasure and investment potential.

David Hockney

Arguably one of the most influential British artists of the 20th and 21st centuries, David Hockney is well known for his vibrant paintings, drawings, and photography. Hockney’s work captures the essence of contemporary life with a keen eye for colour and composition. His pieces often depict everyday scenes with a twist of the surreal, making them highly sought after in the art market.

If you’re looking for paintings to buy, Hockney’s works are an excellent choice. His innovative approach to art, including his use of technology in creating digital paintings, ensures that his pieces will remain relevant and appreciated for years to come. As a fine art dealer, I can attest to the high demand for Hockney’s art, making it a smart investment for any collector.

Tracey Emin

Tracey Emin rose to fame as part of the Young British Artists (YBAs) movement in the 1990s. Known for her deeply personal and often provocative works, Emin’s art spans various mediums, including painting, sculpture, and even neon installations. Her candid approach to themes such as love, loss, and identity resonates with many collectors.

Emin’s pieces are often highly autobiographical, making them not just artworks but also personal narratives. Her work, therefore, offers a unique opportunity to buy original art that tells a compelling story. Investing in Emin’s work means owning a piece of contemporary history, and with her growing reputation, her art is likely to continue appreciating in value.


Banksy, the elusive street artist whose identity remains a mystery, has revolutionised the art world with his thought-provoking and often controversial works. Banksy’s art typically features powerful social and political messages, and has transcended the street to become highly collectible fine art.

For those looking to buy artwork with a contemporary edge, Banksy’s pieces are a perfect fit. Despite their origins on the street, his works always command high prices at auctions and are considered extremely valuable investments. As an art dealer, I’ve seen firsthand the demand for Banksy’s works, which often sell quickly and at high premiums.

Jenny Saville

Jenny Saville is known for her large-scale paintings of nude figures, which challenge traditional representations of the human body. Her work is both confrontational and captivating, exploring themes of identity, body image, and femininity. Saville’s mastery of form and her bold, expressive style have earned her a prominent place in the art world.

Saville’s paintings are good examples of fine art paintings for sale online, appealing to collectors who appreciate both technical skill and conceptual depth. Investing in Saville’s work not only enriches a collection but also supports an artist who continually pushes the boundaries of contemporary art.

Damien Hirst

Damien Hirst is another prominent figure from the Young British Artists movement. He is known for his controversial and often macabre works. Hirst’s art, which includes iconic pieces like his formaldehyde-preserved animals and diamond-encrusted skulls, challenges viewers to confront themes of life, death, and consumerism.

Hirst’s work is considered a standout in any collection, and his pieces are consistently in demand. For collectors looking to purchase fine art, Hirst offers a range of options, from paintings and sculptures to limited edition prints. His reputation and the provocative nature of his work ensure that his pieces remain highly valuable.

Investing in Modern British Art

The artists mentioned above represent some of the best opportunities for investment in modern British art. Their works not only offer visual and emotional engagement but also the potential for significant financial returns. When considering art to buy, it’s essential to look beyond aesthetics and consider the potential for appreciation.

Whether you’re looking to buy original fine art or searching for fine art paintings for sale online, these artists offer a blend of investment potential and artistic excellence. If you have any questions regarding collecting any type of fine art, including the work of modern British artists, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form, telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

Elevate Your Collection by Buying Modern British Art Online - Fine Art Dealer London

Elevate Your Collection by Buying Modern British Art Online

As an art dealer with a keen eye for exquisite pieces, I’m thrilled to be able to guide you on a journey to elevate your art collection with the acquisition of modern British art. In this digital age, the opportunity to buy modern British art online opens up a realm of possibilities, allowing you to curate a collection that reflects your unique tastes and passions. Whether you prefer the convenience of online platforms or the curated experience of galleries, there are myriad ways to enrich your collection with stunning pieces.

Tradition and Innovation

The phrase “buy modern British art” has taken on a new significance, blending tradition with innovation. Online platforms have become virtual treasure troves for art enthusiasts seeking to explore and purchase modern British paintings. The convenience of these platforms allows collectors to peruse a vast array of fine art paintings for sale online, making the art-buying experience accessible and enjoyable.

One of the advantages of buying modern British art online is the wealth of options at your fingertips. Fine art for sale websites curate collections from a diverse range of artists, each with their own unique style and perspective. From the vibrant landscapes reminiscent of the British countryside to abstract expressions that push the boundaries of artistic innovation, there is something for every collector’s discerning taste.

The World of Online Art Acquisition

When venturing into the world of online art acquisition, it’s essential to seek out platforms that specialise in offering original fine art paintings. These platforms often provide detailed information about the artists, allowing you to connect with the creative process behind each piece. As an art dealer, I emphasise the importance of understanding the narrative embedded in the artwork, fostering a deeper connection between the collector and the masterpiece.

For those seeking to purchase fine art online, authenticity is paramount. Reputable platforms ensure that the works presented are original fine art for sale online, guaranteeing the integrity and value of your collection. When browsing these platforms, take the time to explore emerging artists whose works may not yet have graced the walls of traditional galleries. This is a chance to discover hidden gems, unique perspectives, and invest in pieces that may appreciate in value as these artists gain recognition.

The Charm of Traditional Art Galleries

While online platforms offer convenience and variety, the charm of traditional galleries should not be overlooked. Galleries provide a curated environment where you can immerse yourself in the physical presence of each piece. This hands-on experience allows you to appreciate the nuances of texture, colour, and form in a way that a digital image cannot fully capture. When you buy modern British paintings from galleries, you’re not just purchasing art; you’re investing in an experience that enhances your understanding and connection to the pieces you acquire.

Authentic Fine Art Online

For those considering how to buy fine art online, it’s crucial to approach the process with a discerning eye. Seek out platforms that prioritise quality, ensuring that the pieces offered are not only visually captivating but also crafted with skill and expertise. Originality is key when it comes to building a collection that stands out, so opt for platforms that showcase authentic and unique works.

When selecting fine art for sale online, it’s essential to consider the synergy within your collection. A well-curated collection tells a story, and each piece contributes to the narrative you’re building. Whether you gravitate towards abstract expressions, contemporary landscapes, or figurative art, the key is to choose pieces that resonate with your personal aesthetic and contribute to the overall coherence of your collection.

Whether you choose to buy modern British art online or explore galleries, the key is to approach the process with intention and passion. Seek out platforms that prioritise authenticity, and remember that each piece you acquire is not just a possession but a part of a larger artistic narrative. With a discerning eye and a commitment to the art-buying experience, you can transform your collection into a masterpiece that reflects your unique style and appreciation for the rich tapestry of modern British art.

Buy Modern British Art Online at Victoria Fine Art

Why not take a look at the selection of Modern British art to buy online at Victoria Fine Art? Alternatively, if you or wish to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form (https://www.victoria-fine-art.com/contact/), telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

Top 5 Tips for Navigating the Online Art Market - Fine Art Dealer London

The Collectors Guide Part 8: Top 5 Tips for Navigating the Online Art Market

In the ever-evolving landscape of the art market, the shift towards online platforms has been both revolutionary and challenging. As an art dealer with a passion for modern British art, I often find myself guiding clients through the intricate process of purchasing paintings in the digital realm. Here are my top 5 tips for navigating the online art market, specifically when looking to buy modern British art or paintings.

Research and Educate Yourself

Before diving into the vast sea of online art galleries, take the time to research and educate yourself about modern British art. Familiarise yourself with prominent artists, movements, and styles that define this genre. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions when browsing through the plethora of options available online. Whether it’s the vibrant landscapes of David Hockney or the abstract brilliance of Howard Hodgkin, understanding the nuances of modern British art will enhance your appreciation and help you make more discerning choices.

Utilise online resources, virtual exhibitions, and reputable art websites that specialise in modern British art. These platforms often provide detailed information about artists, their backgrounds, and the context of their work. A well-informed buyer is more likely to find a piece that resonates personally and fits seamlessly into their collection.

Choose Reputable Online Galleries to Buy Art Online

Not all online art platforms are equal, and it’s crucial to choose reputable galleries that specialise in modern British art. Seek out established websites with a track record of showcasing quality works and representing reputable artists. Look for platforms that provide clear information about each piece, including provenance, condition reports, and high-resolution images.

When exploring galleries that sell fine art online, pay attention to customer reviews and testimonials. Positive experiences from previous buyers can be a good indicator of a fie art dealer’s reliability and commitment to customer satisfaction. Additionally, galleries that collaborate with renowned artists or participate in reputable art fairs often maintain higher standards of quality and authenticity.

Verify Authenticity and Provenance

One of the challenges of buying art online is ensuring the authenticity and provenance of the pieces. As a prospective buyer of modern British paintings, it’s essential to verify the legitimacy of the artwork before making a purchase. Reputable online galleries will provide comprehensive information about the provenance of each piece, including exhibition history, previous owners, and any relevant documentation.

Consider reaching out to the gallery or artist directly to request additional information or documentation, especially for high-value works. Many artists and galleries are transparent about their authentication processes, ensuring that buyers feel confident about the legitimacy of their acquisitions. If in doubt, consult with art experts or appraisers who specialise in modern British art to validate the authenticity of the painting you are interested in.

Take Advantage of Virtual Viewing Rooms

The online art market has adapted to the digital age by offering innovative features like virtual viewing rooms. These immersive experiences allow buyers to visualize how a painting might look in their own space. When considering a purchase, take advantage of these virtual tools to see the artwork in different settings and lighting conditions.

Virtual viewing rooms provide a more comprehensive understanding of the scale, colour palette, and overall impact of a painting. This technology bridges the gap between the physical and virtual art worlds, making online art buying a more interactive and engaging process. Many reputable galleries specialising in modern British art offer virtual viewing options to enhance the online art-buying experience.

Establish a Relationship with the Gallery

Building a relationship with the online gallery or dealer can significantly enhance your buying experience. Establishing open communication channels allows you to ask questions, seek advice, and negotiate terms directly. Many galleries such as Victoria Fine Art, offer personalised services like art advisory consultations, to assist buyers in finding the perfect piece for their collection.

By cultivating a relationship with the gallery, you may gain access to exclusive previews, special discounts, or information about upcoming releases. This personalised approach not only adds a human touch to the online art-buying process but also ensures that you receive tailored guidance based on your specific preferences and interests.

Buy Modern British Art Online

If you have any further questions regarding successfully and safely navigating the online art market, Victoria Fine Art can help. If you’d like to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form, telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

Understanding the Financial Benefits of Investing in art - Fine Art Dealer London

Art as an Asset: Understanding the Financial Benefits of Investing

In the world of finance, many assets come to mind: stocks, shares, property etc. However, one asset often overlooked, but which has a long and illustrious history, is fine art. As a fine art dealer, my goal is not only to provide clients and potential clients with exquisite pieces but also to help them understand the financial benefits of investing in fine art. Whether you choose to buy original art in person or explore fine art for sale online, the potential for art to appreciate in value over time is certainly worth exploring.

Fine Art for Sale: A Wise Investment

Investing in art is not just for the elite; it is a financial avenue accessible to those with a passion for art and a willingness to understand the market. The first and most crucial step in this journey is to appreciate that fine art is not just about aesthetics; it’s a tangible asset with the potential for substantial financial growth.

When clients approach my gallery looking for art to buy, I emphasise that they should consider original fine art. These unique pieces hold inherent value and have a long track record of increasing in worth over the years. Whether you are interested in paintings, sculptures, or other forms of artistic expression, fine art has the potential to be a sound investment.

The Convenience of Buying Fine Art Online

In today’s digital age, the world of art has evolved. Thanks to the internet, fine art for sale is now just a click away. Many galleries and artists offer original fine art for sale online, allowing collectors to diversify their portfolios and invest in pieces they genuinely appreciate.

Online platforms also offer a broader selection, making it easier to explore and compare various artworks. For those looking to buy fine art online, you’ll find countless options at your fingertips, from European art to modern British art, impressionist art and more.

The Financial Benefits of Investing in Fine Art

Art as an asset class offers numerous financial benefits, including the following:

Portfolio Diversification

Fine art can provide diversification to traditional investment portfolios, reducing risk and increasing potential returns.

Tangible Value

Unlike stocks or shares, fine art is a tangible asset. You can appreciate its beauty while knowing it holds intrinsic value.

Potential for Appreciation

Over time, fine art often appreciates in value, offering the potential for significant financial gain.

Enjoyment and Prestige

Owning fine art not only adds prestige to your collection, but also brings joy through visual and emotional appreciation.

Art as an Investment

In the world of art, I’ve seen first-hand the transformative power of investing in fine art. The joy it brings and the potential for financial growth make it an attractive option for collectors. Whether you are interested in European art, modern British art, impressionist art, or another genre, the art market offers numerous opportunities. And, with the convenience of fine art for sale online, exploring and investing in art has never been easier. Remember that when you buy original fine art, you are not just acquiring a beautiful piece; you are making a wise financial investment in an asset that can stand the test of time.

If you’d like to find out more about making art a valuable asset in your financial portfolio, we can help. Contact Victoria Fine Art or set up an appointment today by calling +44 (0)1727 861669 or emailing info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

buy modern British art online fine art dealers website

The British Art Renaissance: Invest in Modern British Paintings

As a fine art dealer with a passion for the vibrant world of contemporary art, Victoria Fine Art has witnessed a flourishing British Art Renaissance over the last decade. With a rich heritage and a contemporary edge, modern British paintings offer an exciting investment opportunity for both art enthusiasts and collectors. Whether you are looking to elevate your personal space with captivating artworks, or you want to diversify your investment portfolio, buying modern British art is a decision that combines aesthetic pleasure with potential financial gain.

Gone are the days when acquiring fine art required visits to galleries or auctions. The digital age has revolutionised the art market, making it more accessible than ever before. Today, you can conveniently buy modern British art online, opening up a world of artistic possibilities with just a few clicks. Online platforms curated by reputable art dealers offer a vast selection of modern British paintings, providing a seamless experience for art enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.

Why Invest in Modern British Art?

The contemporary British art scene is experiencing an undeniable renaissance, characterised by a diverse range of styles and concepts. The UK’s artists are pushing boundaries, exploring new techniques, and addressing compelling themes, therefore making their artworks highly sought after. By investing in modern British paintings, you not only support emerging and established artists but also gain access to a vibrant and evolving art market.

I’ve shared my opinion before, but the Modern British art sector really is one of the most vibrant in the market and very important for both collectors and dealers. There’s no doubt that there is something incredibly exciting about appreciating newly emerging artists and having the chance to support and bolster their careers.

As the value of modern British art continues to soar, it’s never been more attractive for both seasoned collectors and first-time buyers. A fine art dealer can guide you through the selection process, ensuring you make informed decisions based on your taste and investment goals. Whether you’re drawn to abstract expressionism, figurative art, or conceptual pieces, there is a wealth of modern British paintings to choose from.

Buying Modern British Art Online

When you buy original art, you acquire a unique and tangible asset that can appreciate in value over time. While financial returns are never guaranteed in the art market, investing in modern British art allows you to own a piece of cultural history while potentially benefiting from its appreciation in the future. By carefully selecting artworks from reputable artists and considering their artistic trajectory and market demand, you can make strategic choices that align with your investment objectives.

The beauty of buying artwork online is the convenience and access it provides. You can browse through a wide range of modern British paintings from the comfort of your home, office, or wherever you may be. Online platforms offer detailed information about each artwork, including its size, medium, and artist biography. In addition, high-resolution images allow you to examine the artwork closely, ensuring you are captivated by every brushstroke and texture.

Choosing a Reputable Dealer

As a discerning art collector, it is essential to choose a reputable art dealer who curates a selection of fine art for sale. A trusted dealer will provide transparency regarding the authenticity, provenance, and condition of the artworks, ensuring your investment is both secure and satisfying. Look for dealers who have a deep understanding of the modern British art scene, who actively engage with artists and collectors, and who have a track record of successful transactions.

If you’re interested in investing in Modern British art, take a look at the selection of Modern British art to buy online at Victoria Fine Art. Alternatively, if you or wish to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form, telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

condition reports buying fine art online dealers

The Collectors Guide Part 3: The Importance of Condition Reports When Buying Fine Art Online

In the latest article of our collector’s guide series, we’ll be talking about how important condition reports are when you choose to buy fine art online. In our experience as art dealers who regularly assist our clients with the process of buying fine art online, we are often asked about the importance of obtaining and scrutinising condition reports before making a purchase. So, how important are condition reports and why should you request one?

The world of art has naturally experienced a significant shift towards online buying and selling since the introduction of the internet. With the rise of art dealer’s websites and online exhibitions, auction platforms and online marketplaces, it has never been as simple to buy fine art online. However, when it comes to buying a valuable piece of art, whether online or in person, it is important to take sensible precautions to make sure you are getting exactly what you paid for. This is where a condition report is useful.

What is a Condition Report?

A condition report is a document that details the physical condition of an artwork, including any damages or imperfections. Most often compiled by a professional art conservator or appraiser, condition reports can be used to assess the value of the artwork. They’re also important for identifying any issues that may affect the long-term preservation and future condition of the piece.

When purchasing any genre of art regardless of its age, whether you buy modern British art online, buy post-war art online, or buy Victorian art online, a condition report, in our opinion, is essential. Art that was created in the mid to late 20th century may naturally have experienced some wear and tear over the years. On the other hand, modern British artists may have experimented with a variety materials and techniques, sometimes unusual, which could potentially make a condition report even more important. Regardless of the age and genre, it is obviously extremely difficult to assess the physical condition of a piece without both a condition report and expert guidance.

Buying Fine Art Online with a Condition Report

A condition report can also be a valuable source of information when it comes to negotiating a sale when you buy fine art online. For example, the price of a piece that has been identified as having any kind of damage, or the need for repair, restoration, or conservation, could be negotiated. A lower selling price would, therefore, enable you as a buyer to budget for any necessary repairs or future conservation.

As a fine art dealer, we would always recommend that you obtain a condition report when buying fine art online. Condition reports are absolutely essential documents when it comes to making sure you get exactly what you pay for, especially when you buy fine art online. So, before making any major art purchases, it would always be our advice to request a condition report from a reputable appraiser or art conservator.

If you have any further questions regarding assessing the condition of a piece of art you are looking to buy online, or advice about obtaining a condition report, Victoria Fine Art can help. If you’d like to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form, telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

buy modern british art online art dealer-uk

The Importance of Supporting Modern British Art & Artists

Here at Victoria Fine Art, it’s always been a passion of ours to support modern British artists and make it easy for our customers to buy modern British art online. Of course, we are absolutely dedicated to traditional art too, but as fine art dealers we also represent British artists of international standing and promote contemporary art from emerging artists.

The truth is that tastes in modern British art are extremely diverse and arguably ever changing, which is why we have taken it upon ourselves to actively promote and support British modern art and artists with a wide range of media, visual representation, and sculpture. In the last ten years, in fact, we have worked very closely with some of the finest living artists holding regular exhibitions at Victoria Fine Art on their behalf.

The Vibrant Modern British Art Market

In my opinion, the Modern British art sector is one of the most vibrant in the market and very important for both collectors and dealers. As previously mentioned, I am extremely passionate about a variety of fine art including European art, Victorian art, and Impressionist art for example, but there’s no doubt that there is something incredibly exciting about appreciating newly emerging artists and having the chance to support and bolster their careers.

Modern British art is also a sector that has hugely benefited from changing tastes over recent decades, making it even more diverse and exciting. Since the early 1990’s, the popularity of modern British art has grown immeasurably with an expanding collector base and lively dealer activity. Throw in the introduction of the world wide web and you have a whole host of budding collectors hoping to buy modern British paintings online, helping to replace sometimes declining revenues from more traditional items.

British Modern Art and Geographical Diversity

Very fortunately for the market as a whole, a plentiful supply of brand-new British art becomes available each and every year and is commonly very diverse across a variety of geographical regions. Unlike Impressionist art, Victorian art or European art, many works are now appearing on the secondary market and can be bought easily online, often with only one careful owner.

As fine art dealers, Victoria Fine Art recognises that today’s art is both wide and varied. Modern British art is so exciting because tastes are constantly changing, and with the internet, it’s never been easier to buy modern British paintings online.  It is also really important to embrace this this fluid landscape and, by engaging with today’s artists, we can also engage with collectors and art lovers alike.

Discover Modern British Artists & Artists

Why not take a look at the selection of Modern British art to buy online at Victoria Fine Art? Alternatively, if you or wish to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form (https://victoria-fine-art.com/contact/), telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

buy modern British art online art collector

The Collector’s Guide Part 1: How to Buy Modern British Art Online

In the first article of our collector’s guide series of articles, we’ll be discussing how to buy modern British art online. As an art dealer who sells fine art online, it’s always at the forefront of my mind that current and potential clients keep a close eye on the Victoria Fine Art website when looking to buy modern British art online. Whether they fall in love with the piece itself, or are buying with the intention of investment, here are some of my own personal tips to follow when buying art online.

Start with Research

Although I would like to stress that there really is no right or wrong way to go about buying art online, the first obvious step in the process is to do some research into what appeals to you by seeing and experiencing as much art as you can. Start by browsing online and getting a feel for what you like, what inspires you, and how viewing various pieces makes you feel. In addition to looking online, why not seek out a local gallery or open studio event so that you can see work in the flesh and meet the gallery owners to speak about the artists they’re representing.

Advantages of Buying Art Online

Of course, buying art in person doesn’t suit everyone for many reasons. The challenges of distance and time may be a factor, but some people prefer to browse in the comfort of their own homes without having to physically walk into a gallery. When looking to buy modern British art online, viewing pieces on the internet gives a transparent buying experience and allows you to view a wide range of work. Prices are visible and there’s no limit to the time or variety of art you can browse at a time. And, don’t forget, we can always bring art to you!

Ask Questions

Whether you choose by buy modern British art online, at a gallery, or even an auction, as a fine art dealer I would always recommend that you ask as many questions as possible. As a specialist, I am always available to answer as many questions as I can, and more. I love nothing more than having an in-depth conversation about a piece of modern art, diving deep into every aspect of it. When buying modern British art online, don’t hesitate to ask for more photos, more information about the piece itself and the artist, and a report on the condition of the piece too before you make a buying decision. In my opinion, it is my job to provide my clients with the very best service, so the more questions the merrier as far as I’m concerned!

Seek Advice

When buying modern British art online, I would always suggest asking for advice from a professional if you feel the need to. Art should be selected wisely, and professional advice is key to the decision-making process in many cases. Here at Victoria Fine Art, we have over 50 years of experience and always provide our customers with all the necessary information pertaining to each piece.

If you have any further questions regarding the wide selection of modern British art to buy online at Victoria Fine Art or wish to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form (https://victoria-fine-art.com/contact/), telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.

fine art dealer role buy art online

The Role of a Fine Art Dealer

As a fine art dealer, Victoria Fine Art has an exceptionally privileged job. It’s an absolute joy to spend my days immersed in the word of art, whether it’s meeting clients and designers, buying art, or learning more about the scholarly background to each painting I come across.  So, here are a few insights into my life as a fine art dealer.

Representing Artists

One of the most enjoyable parts of my job is being able to represent current artists. We love nothing more than discovering and representing British artists of international standing, as well as being involved in the promotion of contemporary art from emerging artists. Many people assume that fine art dealers are solely concerned with traditional art and conclude that they spend their days trying to buy European art, or buy Victorian fine art, for example. But in reality, that’s only part of the job. While we are absolutely passionate about our traditional art, a big part of what I do as a fine art dealer is engaging with today’s artists. Many artists have difficulty finding a market for their work during their lifetime, so it’s extremely satisfying to be able to use my skills as an art dealer to market their talent.

Building Collections for our Clients

Of course, a large part of my job as an art dealer is the great privilege of being able to buy original art in order to build collections for clients and designers. This skill requires an element of discretion and balance, fully respecting our clients’ choices while offering a straight-forward approach to buying fine art and building a collection. The relationships I am able to forge along the way are a great part of my job, and one that I enjoy very much. By taking the time to get to know my clients, I am far better equipped to make an informed decision on what old or new artists I feel that they will take an interest in, and subsequently introduce them to.

Offering Advice as a Fine Art Dealer

After more than 50 years working as a fine art dealer, I particularly enjoy being able to advise my clients not only on the choice of what paintings to buy, but also how to display the beautiful pieces that they decide to purchase and display in their homes. Acquiring a stunning piece of fine art is only part of the process, and my years in the industry have taught me that the framing of a painting, as well at its hanging, are very important to the overall enjoyment of the piece. In addition, insurance advice is something I am always happy to give as a vital part of the process.

If you have any further questions regarding the wide selection of fine art to buy online at Victoria Fine Art or wish to set up an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to complete this form (https://victoria-fine-art.com/contact/), telephone +44 (0)1727 861669 or email info@victoria-fine-art.com for more information.