Victor Chavet


He was born 21st July 1822 in Pourcieux and died 1906 in Le Creusot (Saone et Loire).

Chavet painted in oils and watercolours and he specialised in genre scenes, portraits and figurative work.

He was a student of Pierre Révoil in Lyon and later Camille Roqueplan. He exhibited at the Paris Salons and was awarded numerous medals (1853, 1855, 1857, 1859). He was named Knight of the Legion of Honor in 1859. In addition to his paintings, he also made important drawings of tapestries depicting the portraits of François I and the painter Francesco Romanelli, which are kept in the Apollo Gallery of the Louvre.

He also took part in a number of exhibitions in Geneva after settling there in 1874, and he became a member of the Amsterdam Academy. His work is also represented at the Museums of Aix-en-Provence, Douai and Versailles.

In 1857, Chavet was chosen by the State to participate in the completion of the Louvre, completed in five years by Napoleon III. One of his paintings entitled “Prominade in the Hall of Mirrors” was in album presented by Napoleon to Queen Victoria at Versailles. His works are held in The Royal Collection Trust (UK), The Louve (Paris) and in Versailles.

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