Georges Jeannin

1841 – 1925

Georges Jeannin was born in Paris in 1841.

He was a pupil of Vincelet and went on to be a most prolific and popular flower painter. Jeannin exhibited widely and the French State bought many of his flower paintings. In conjunction with A. Cesbron he decorated the Salon de Passage in the Hôtel de Ville, Paris.

He was also the chairman of the Societe de Peintres de Fleurs. Known for his still lifes, Jeannin debuted at the Paris Salon in 1868 where he exhibited regularly. A member of the Société des Artistes Français from 1878, he was awarded a 3rd place medal in 1878 and a second place one in 1888 as well as a bronze medal at the Exposition Universelle in 1889. He was made Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur in 1903.

He is best known as a painter of floral still lives. His bouquets are painted with large, generous brushstrokes and vibrant, deep colours.

His works have been conserved in museums throughout France.

Exhibited: Paris Salon, Lyon Salon, Dijon Salon, Dorotheum, Vienna from 1869-1873

Beziers, Cambrai, Epinal, Mulhouse, Nancy, Petit Palais (Paris), Rochefort, Rouen, Valenciennes

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