François Gall


François Gall was born on May 22, 1912 in Kosovar (Transylvania) to Hungarian parents. Because of his education, Gall is considered a still life and figure painter from the French school.

From 1929 to 1930, Gall studied all media at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Rome while working in menial jobs to secure a living. Support came in 1939 when the Hungarian government awarded Gall with a scholarship. He briefly returned to his native country to study and teach, at the request of the Government, at the Hungarian College.

In December of 1936, François Gall travelled to Paris to study at the at the l’Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts where he became a student of Devambez at the National Academy of Fine Arts. It was during his studies in Paris that Gall changed his style forever after experiencing the influence of the French impressionists and post-impressionists.

François Gall began developing a new and original style. Gall greatly admired the first generation impressionist and adopted their concepts for his own interpretations. Parisian scenes and portrayals of women engaged in typically feminine activities were among his preferred subjects. Fancois Gall is a modern impressionist, bringing to this most enduring style, his own unique personality.

His fresh approach was gained overwhelming acceptance at the Salons. After becoming a citizen of France in 1945, Gall approached his resent successes with enthusiasm. At the Paris Salon of 1947, he was a warded the Médaille d’Ore. In 1953, he was invited to debut is numerous exhibitions in the United States and Canada. The awards continued. Gall won the Prix Fraincis Smith in 1963. He was appointed Lauréat de l’Institut de France in 1965 and won the prix Gustave Courtois, Médaille d’Ore du Mérite National Francais. Gall went on to be awarded the Prix de Bonnat in 1970, the Prix the Becker in 1971 and the Prix Paul Chabas 1in 1972. In 1974, he was warded the Médaille de Vermeil de la Ville de Paris. In 1976, Gall was elected to on of France’s most coveted levels of achievement for an artist. He was appointed Chevalier dans l’Odre des Arts et des Lettres.

Gall continued his rigorous exhibition schedule in New York, London, Rome, Montréal, Toronto, Berne, Bevaix, Mexico, Stockholm and Bruxelles. His works came be found in Museums through out France and in international private collection.

Vice-president de la Sociéte des Artistes Indépendents
Syndicat National des Artistes, Peintres et Sculpteurs Professionnels
Membre des Conseils d’Admininistration de la C.R.E.A. and l’I. R.C.E.C.
Member of the Taylor Foundation
Member of the A.D.A.G.P.


Muses de la Ville de Paris
Musee d’Auxerre
Musee de l’Union Francaise a Versailles
Musees de Budapest
Musee de l’Art Moderne de Vienne


Salon d’Automne
Salon des Independants
Salon des Tuileries
Salon d’Asnieres Galerie des Beaux-Arts


E. Benezit, Dictionnaire des Peintres

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