Paul Sieffert

1874 – 1957

Born in Paris in 1874, Paul Sieffert received the teaching of Jean-Léon Gerôme, Gabriel Guay and Albert Maignan at the School of Fine Arts. From 1894 he began to exhibit at the Salon. His large canvas entitled “The shadow of Clytemnestra” and “The Eumenides” met a big success at the Salon of 1898. This painting was then acquired by the State and is now in the Castle Museum of Vitré.

In 1902, he won the Prix de Rome with “The resurrection of the daughter of Jaïre”, whose chiaroscuro and classical technique recalled his academic training. It was probably during his stay at the Villa Medicis that he made his large painting of realistic inspiration “I Barcatori”, now kept in the Museum of Pau.

Paul Sieffert actively participated in the Société des amis des arts de Bordeaux from 1910 to 1939 and in the Salon d’Hiver from 1910 to 1944. Very active in various artistic circles, he was secretary of the French Artists, member of the committee and then of the jury.

In 1923, he participated in the elaboration of the three stained glass windows of the parish church Saint-Martin in Cognac, by realizing the drawings which will be executed by the Bordeaux master stained glass artist Marcel Feur. In 1929, he also illustrated Albert Samain’s poetry collection “Aux flancs du vase”, then “Polyphème” and the “Poèmes inachevés”.

From that time, he mainly painted female nude, which are still famous today.

Appointed Knight of the Legion of Honor in 1931 and member of the committee of the Société Libre des Artistes Français, he was awarded the Diploma of Honor at the International Exhibition of Arts and Techniques in Modern Life in 1937.

His prices have realised up to $82000

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